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BRAIN: Look here for info.

ZED: Cool! Check out the TMNT trailer, if this ends up being more like the original comics I'm going to be very excited.

BRAIN: Here is a super cool Solomon Grundy exclusive for SDCC but I bet it will be available at Wizard World Chicago too. I'm trying to slow down on toys but I really like this one. More pics here.
BRAIN: Hey Zed. Did you see that The Amazing Screw On Head is almost done? It's going to be on Sci-Fi's online channel.ZED: Yeah, check out sci they have the first episode up there.
BRAIN: Why do I get caught up in this crap? I'm thirty-freekin'-seven years old. I didn't start buying these Battle Dice until Target put them on clearance though... So I guess that's a step in the right direction.

BRAIN: A new game called A-VES-tec has been realeased for the Atari 2600, 29 years after the platform was released. Only 55 have been made. Check out the trailer here.

BRAIN: Sign up at the Shatner DVD Club to win a chance to have THE MAN record you an message for your voice mail.
BRAIN: There is a show opening in San Diego around the time of the SDCC that I'd really like to see. It has artists "revisit fond memories of the past by customizing a toy they played with as kids." This is the Evil Kenievel Speederbike.

BRAIN: Nice Storm image from Michael Turner
ZED: Flash Gordon animated series coming out this month! I loved this show as a kid.
ZED: This is totally for you, Brain, I ran into this description of Starsky and Hutch on wikipedia and laughed my ass off.
"Fans loved the gritty, often violent, plotlines, comic banter, and, particularly, the close, devoted, and enduring friendship between Starsky and Hutch. In stark contrast to police characters on TV up until this time, Starsky and Hutch were open with physical gestures of affection, often declaring that they trusted only each other against the world."