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ZED: Sean Galloway has a blog right here. Remember him? He's the dude that did the awesome Hellboy for the animated series coming out. We should watch this blog!
BRAIN: I was obsessed with Hot Wheels as a kid and the obsession is coming back now that I have a kid. I'll probably never own the '69 Camaro or the '65 Corvette that I covet, but I can own a mint 1:64 scale one no problem... I just read that one of the coolest artests ever, Coop, is designing a two pack for a Hot Wheels Show in Japan. The pics have just been released. It will only be a run of 2000, and they are being sold in Japan, so I doubt I'll never get my hands on these either. Bummer.
BRAIN: It's no wonder it took so long for Art Asylum to announce the new Marvel Minimates line. They were also working on three sets of DC Minimates. Cool. To bad we have to wait until August to get them. Maybe they will have some at Wizard World Chicago...
ZED: Pretty Funny, someone has created a South Park character generator, you can create yourself or whatever type of South Park character you want. Try it out here.
BRAIN: Here's me.
ZED: They killed foggy! They killed Foggy Nelson in the last issue of Daredevil, I don't believe it. What did Foggy ever do to anyone he was just a chubby funlovin lawyer and Matt Murdock's comedy relief. It would be like killing John Candy...wait he already killed himself, ouch. Seriously, I like the Rykers prison story arc by Brubaker and Lark, I will miss Bendis/Maleev though, their styles really grew on me for Daredevil's previous run.
BRAIN: Someone should count how many Daredevil covers have him hugging crosses...

BRAIN: Has anyone else been watching Star Trek 2.o on G4? I like it. It does make it hard to follow the episode. Everything going on around the show gets very distracting. There is Trek Facts scrolling across the top. The Spock Market on the right where you play live online. Also live is discussion boards across the bottom where people answer questions. My favorite part though is the Trek Stats. For anyone keeping score, here are the stats through tonight's episode - Charlie X.
Red Shirt Deaths :: 4
Dramatic Music Stabs :: 157
Hot Alien Women :: 33
Ricardo Montaiban :: 0
Uhura Undie Shots 12
Kirk Kicks Ass :: 8
Dramatic Kirk Pauses :: 51
Torn Kirk Shirts :: 2
Vulcan Salutes :: 0
Vulcan Nerve Pinches :: 2
Spock Says 'Logical' :: 2
Spock Says 'Illogical' :: 3
Scotty Doubtful :: 9
Phasers Fired :: 19
Red Alerts :: 5
Uhura Touches Ear piece :: 33
Beaming Up/Down :: 96
Bridge Skakes :: 8
Enterprise Doomed :: 10
Photon Torpedoes Fired :: 0
BRAIN: Zed and I took in Lucky Number Sleven last Wednesday night. I'm always ready to see a Bruce Willis movie. I went into this movie blindly and realized that it's more a Josh Hartnet movie. Bummer. Bruce almost seemed to walk through this movie without trying. He is a professional hitman with one pretty good scene where he tells a back-story and snaps some twenty-something's neck that fits into the plot later. Josh Hartnet tries his best to inject funny and smart-ass dialog that seems unnatural. I think my pre-existing dislike of Josh may of had a factor... The movie wants to keep you very confused until it reveals its self to you at the end when all characters and stories start to come together. Some of the inter-twining of characters didn't need to happen. I found it to be too forced and I called the ending half way into it. The editing and art-direction were great at times, mostly in the beginning during flash backs. The movie is entertaining but not great. I give this a C.
What did you think Zed?
BRAIN: I thought I'd throw this up here for you Zed. New statue modeled after the upcoming Hellboy Cartoon. Nice.ZED: KICK ASS!
BRAIN: Art Asylum took their own sweet time announcing their series 12 and 13 Marvel Minimates. I really like these things. I'm only missing a few of the chase characters to having a complete set. Series 12 focuses on The New Avengers and 13 is Astonishing X-Men. I'm a little indifferent about these series though. They keep making the same damn characters over and over... I have 2 different Captain America's already. At least 7 different Spider-man and Wolverines. Already have a different Power Man, White Queen, Cyclops and Colossus... How about more new characters Art Asylum? Where is Thor, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch or Deadpool?
BRAIN: Here is a link to eyes drawn by Jack Kirby. Really cool! Comics today have some of the best artists ever drawing them. But when I see samples of Jack "King" Kirby's stuff I realize what a master he was.
BRAIN: It's only a matter of time before they take over and it will our fault because we taught them how to body-slam... Robot Wrestling.
ZED: They are rejuvenating Flash, I'm kind of excited about this! I like the way Justice League Animated treats him. I'm going to give this rehash a try, preview on dc's site looks kinda cool. Art by Ken Lashley with variant covers by Andy and Joe Kubert, written by Paul Demeo.
Wow, did you ever look up a comic character on wikipedia? Here is the flash's, very cool.
BRAIN: Add this to the very long list of things that I want. 340 pages with an extended character sketch section, a peek into Ross's own sketchbook, text pieces by Waid and Ross, annotations of the entire series, rare art (from magazines, trading cards, T-shirts, the novel and more), promotional images, a gallery of DC Direct Kingdom Come products, the evolution of a story page.
BRAIN: I've been itching to get back into a couple of monthly titles so I found some story arcs that were just beginning. I picked up 4 comics that have been getting some hype lately to see if any were worth continuing on with. Here they are. I'll try and not give anything away if you have not read them yet.
Moon Knight #1
Hmmm. I was pretty excited about this. I guess it's a good start. It starts with some inner-monologue of Moon Knight telling himself why he does what he does. He takes care of the street crime because other hero's are taking care of the big picture. I found this to be a little generic but hey, let's give this series a few more issues to see what happens. The art is top notch. Finch is one of my favorites. Moon Knight gets his power from the Khonshu, God of the Moon. It seems that Moon Knight and Khonshu have had a falling out and he is trying to get into his good graces again.
Will I continue getting this comic? Not sure. I will probably wait for the trade on this one.
Incredible Hulk #92
Hulk gets dicked over by the Illuminati (see below) and sent to a strange planet. They wanted to send him to a peaceful planet where he couldn't be hurt and where he couldn't hurt anything. Well, Hulk throws a fit when they tell him this via video screen on his space ship. He busts up the ship and sends it off course. He ends up landing on a very violent planet where he is basically turned into a gladiator. On this planet Hulk can be hurt, but he dishes out some pain right back.
Will I continue getting this comic? For sure. This was great!
The New Avengers Illuminati
This was great too. This one shot explains situations that lead up to Marvel's Civil War. The Illuminati was formed after the Kree/Skrull war to stop catastrophes like this before they happen. It is made up of Iron Man, Reed Richards, Namor, Black Bolt, Dr. Strange and Professor X. I'm not sure if Black Panther is part of this. He stormed out of the room on the first meeting. They start arguing about the Hulk. He destroyed Las Vegas and something has to be done. They vote to trick him and send him off planet. This starts a rift in the group. The rift grows even deeper when they talk about legislation in the government to make all super heroes register with the government and work for SHIELD. None of them like the idea, but some think they should follow the government and some think they shouldn't. Namor is a real prick in this issue but I guess is usually is. You can see and understand everybodys side to these arguements. Story and art were great.
Will I continue getting this comic? Yes. This has me very excited about Civil War.
Blue Beetle #1
I want to start reading more DC comics so I started here. A re-launch of the classic character Blue Beetle. I'll start by saying that the new costume design is really cool. I like the gadgets he has and seeing him fight a Green Lantern was fun. But I have to say that I couldn't get passed the dialog. When people were talking to each other it was very choppy and irregular. After awhile it really started to annoy me. I guess it's a good start though. Teenager finds blue bug at construction site. It bonds to him and he gets power that he didn't ask for, a little bit more reminiscent of Marvel characters than DC to me.
Will I continue getting this comic? No. Time to find a different DC book to read.
BRAIN: The man who perfected the elbow inversion turns 55 today. Way to go Steven. Keep pumping out the straight-to-DVD crap. It is great to stumble across on Saturday afternoons!
BRAIN: This is not a joke. There is a Lucas Family Set of Star Wars action figures being marketed online. Who would buy this? I really want to know. Let's take out the fact that Episode III was mediocre at best. How rabid of a fan do you have to be to want George and his kids for thirty-five bucks? I can see a collector (maybe) picking up a single pack of George... Before the prequels, Zed and I were as rabid as any fans, buying one of everything to open and one (maybe two) of everything to save. I would have never shelled out money to get his kids in costumes. Not sure why this surprises me so much. I guess it's because most of the die-hard fans I know have been turned-off by Star Wars lately and these must be the same people Hasbro is trying to get to buy this...
BRAIN: 20-sided fuzzy dice for your car! Available at Jinx.
BRAIN: Cartoon Network has obtained exclusive domestic rights to the animated Fantastic Four that starts this fall. The jury is still out on the look, but hey, it's not the cookie-cutter look of the direct to dvd Marvel movies. The fact that Cartoon Network actually locked in this initial 26 episode series makes me a little excited. They obviously saw something they liked.
BRAIN: Went to see Slither on Friday night with Locutus and Brooks. It was just what I was hoping for. I like my horror with a little comedy and that's just what I got. Michael Rooker gets shot in the gut with a parasite while he is in the woods cheating on his wife. He then proceeds to turn into a meat-hungy worm/Jobba blob with plans to take over the world with little creatures that look like tongues. Sound ridiculous? It is and it's supposed too. Go see it, sit back and enjoy. I'll give it a B+.