Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Holy Terror, Batman!

BRAIN: Frank Miller is in the process of writing and drawing another Batman story called Holy Terror, Batman! Batman will be going after al-Qaeda in "a propaganda piece" that is "very pulpy" and "quite emotional." He went on to say that he feels that this is some of his best art ever.

"Superman punched out Hitler, and so did Captain America," Miller said. "It seemed kind of silly for Batman to chase around the Riddler, when you have al-Qaeda out there."

ZED: Sounds dumb, I see the comic universe as an alternate of ours, I hate it when they shamelessly sponge off dramatic current events, batman vs. terrorists I could see, but does it really need to be al-Qaeda? I am losing respect for Miller ever since DK2 (except for the part when the atom jumps around in Superman's ear and screws up his equilibrium, that was awesome). I'll reserve judgement until I see more but...

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