Wednesday, December 06, 2006


USA Today has first pic.


Anonymous said...

Are those the same actors?

They look a bit odd...

The car kicks ass though!

cooltopten said...

NOW thats a cool car . I bet on that pic below robin said to batman when he got the flat..holy tyres batman :D.

Anonymous said...


Do you like the Ninja Turtles?
I see that there is a new trailer on MTV's site but it's only viewable in the states.

But I'm looking forward to the next F4 movie as long as they keep Vic von Doom out of it, I felt that they overdid it a bit with his part in the 1st movie.

Your site is still one of my lunch time favourites - keep up the good work!!


Anonymous said...


Do you like the Ninja Turtles?
I see that there is a new trailer on MTV's site but it's only viewable in the states.

But I'm looking forward to the next F4 movie as long as they keep Vic von Doom out of it, I felt that they overdid it a bit with his part in the 1st movie.

Your site is still one of my lunch time favourites - keep up the good work!!
