Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Next Gen

ZED: I've been combing sites looking for new videogame info now that E3 is underway and here are some highlights: PS3 is going to cost 600 bucks, unless you are dumb and buy the stripped down version for 100 bucks cheaper. The PS3 controller is the same as the ps2, but it's wireless, minus the rumble plus a gyroscopic motion sensor (you can tilt the controller to tilt your plane etc.). So if you buy the HD DVD adapter for the xbox 360 price difference is a wash.

There is a whole bunch of new trailers on xbox live and they announced all kinds of xbox live arcade games coming including contra and sonic and galaga and more cool retro. Lots of amazing next gen trailers and screens—two games I'm excited about are Gears of War and Too Human, what they are doing visually in the second round of x360 games is amazing.

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