Monday, January 30, 2006
PSP Cracked!

Sunday, January 29, 2006
Just The Facts Please

BRAIN: This is one of the funnies things I have ever read...
Chuck Norris Facts.
If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'til." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
ZED: Heh.
City of Heroes

ZED: A buddy gave me a quick tour of City of Heroes and City of Villains this weekend. Man I wish they would come out with this for my Mac. The graphics look better and the character generator was deep, the capabilities allowing you to go from completely assinine to totally awesome heroes/villain. I know we have been watching this game for a bit, but it's time to think about getting a pc for gaming only.
I think if they come up with a Mac version of this, Brain & Zed will go bye bye.

BRAIN: I want this!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Avengers Assemble

Friday, January 27, 2006
Set Phasers to... Excitement!

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Where's Marvel?

BRAIN: Top 10 comics of 2005 according to
Diamond Comics Distributors:
1 :: All Star Batman & Robin #1 :: DC
2 :: House of M #1 :: Marvel
3 :: infinite Crisis #1 :: DC
4 :: DC Countdown to infinite Crisis #1 :: DC
5 :: infinite Crisis #2 :: DC
6 :: Justice #1 :: DC
7 :: infinite Crisis #3 :: DC
8 :: All Star Batman & Robin #2 :: DC
9 :: Green Lantern #1 :: DC
10 :: House of M #2 :: Marvel
Yikes! House of M is all Marvel can muster?
Glenn Barr: Artist Profile

ZED: Glenn Barr would have to be the first of my artist profiles. I met him at Wizardcon a few years ago and bought a Spidey sketch. He seemed really chill and almost unsure, he was trying to break into comics at the time, he went another way. He's now doing mostly fine art and gallery stuff, gone the way of shag and coop and others in the independent urban art scene. His shit is awesome, and getting more expensive. I paid 5 bucks for the spidey sketch, wish I would of bought them all now.

I like this idea of Artist Profiles. Let's keep this going.
Ms. Marvel
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
More Monster Comics

BRAIN: Did you pick these up yet? Marvel resurrected four of their monster comics for one shots. All have awesome Eric Powell covers, and he drew the entire comic of Devil Dinosaur. I wish he would have drawn all four. I get a little pissed at the bait-and-switch cover artist to inside artist move. It's a really fun read, not too deep, you know me... 3 of the 4 I got in the Cedar-Cliff dollar bin.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Underworld: Evolution

ZED: Brain and I went to see Underworld: Evolution this week. Just like last time, Vampires vs. Werewolves, cool. Hot, hot, hot, Kate Beckinsdale shoved into something tight and black, cool. Good Basic CG, makeup effects, gloomy environments and techie weapons, cool, cool, cool and cool. Story.....eh, OK. The basic plot is fine, but a bit convoluted again, there are so many dudes that could be from bands like Stained running around that you never really give a shit about the plot or characters. Once again the critical thing we go to movies for is lost in the shuffle of effects and settings and all the other bull. Start with the story for Christ's Sake. I give it a solid C, it's fun but could have been so much cooler if the story had been more than a bunch of cool scenes strung together. Kate Beckinsdale is definitely hot though, they did throw in a decent, quick sex scene.

BRAIN: Other than being lost the whole time, I kind of liked it too. The visuals and environments were great with a cool blue pallet. The main vampire chick was SUPER hot with a nice tight outfit. Acting was fine. The main lycan brother looked a little iffy though and you could see the fate of the vampire brother coming a mile away. I went in to this movie with pretty low expectations because I'm not a fan of this kind of vampire flick. I like my vampires to rely more on hypnotism and fangs than on guns and GPS tracking equipment. I've also had enough of the megga cool vampire characters with leather outfits, techno music and Creed-style hair cuts. I'm giving it a C+. It was fun but I'll probably never rewatch it (accept for the nude scene Zed talked about).
CHOW: Coke (smuggled in), Popcorn, Willy Wonka Bottlecaps
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge

Monday, January 23, 2006
Conan: Red Nails and More

ZED: Conan: Red Nails is a new animated series coming out, Ron Perlman from Hellboy will be doing Conan's voice and Marg Helgenberger from CSI will be Tascela. Red Nails is the last Conan story Robert Howard wrote and is also in the third collection of Conan Stories published by Del Rey recently, The Conquering Sword of Conan.

These collections are great, they are the cheaper versions of the awesome 2 editions of Conan Stories Published by Wandering Star which are incredible, but expensive.

Useless eBay Purchace, But Cool

BRAIN: Before this gets put in a box somewhere never to be
seen again...
WHAT IS IT: The Riddler by Frank Gorshin, 45 rpm record
DAMMAGE: $1, $4 shipping
COMMENTS: A pretty wacky song by the dude who played The Riddler perfectly on the Batman TV show in the 60's. Give it a listen.

Sunday, January 22, 2006
The Journey of Drizzt

ZED: Todd Lockwood's art initially attracted me to this novel and I picked it up on a whim, only to get home and realize that there were 15 books previous to The Thousand Orcs telling the story of Drizzt Do'Urden, renegade Drow (Dark Elf) Ranger. I buckled down and scoured the used bookstores picking up the whole series and 15 books later I'm now reading Thousand Orcs, having enjoyed all the books immensely. R.A. Salvatore has crafted quite a world within the Forgotten Realms (a dungeons and dragons setting) I recommend them highly. I am looking forward to two more books in this series and a spinoff starring some of Drizzt's enemies called Promise of the Witch King and then I'll have to wait for new books like the other Drizzt Fans.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Turner at Marvel

BRAIN: The first images from Michael Turner for Marvel are starting to show up. Pretty sure he is only doing covers. Still excited though.

Hubba Hubba!
Friday, January 20, 2006

BRAIN: Damn! I knew I was going to enjoy Marvel Zombies, but I didn't know how much. Have you been reading these? I've only read the first issue so far. Captain America getting the top of his head lopped off by his shield was great!I really don't know where this could be going, and I don't care. Kirkman is the man.


What do you think of yours ZED?
Original Trilogy In 5 Minutes
Oh No! It's DEVO Figures...

Thursday, January 19, 2006
The Fruit of Our Loins
Fett's Dead Baby... Fett's Dead!

BRAIN: This pic of Bobba Fett by Adam Hughes was just too cool to not post. The Star War prequels were so average that they almost made me give up my Star Wars obsession, but then super cool things like this come along and reel me back just a little.
Batgirls Galore

ZED: Live Journal has a weird internet mob coming out of the woodwork to draw batgirl, check it out, it's kind of addictive once you start looking at all of them, some bad, some funny, some awesome.
BRAIN: You should post one Zed...
Roth the DJ

ZED: Did you know David Lee Roth was doing a DJ thing? I'm Looking into trying to find a podcast of it somewhere. I can't believe you haven't mentioned this yet.

BRAIN: I new he was taking over for Howard but I didn't know when. You can here some of his show here. To tell you the truth, Dave lost a little of his cult status with me after we saw him last year. It was a little sad...

Just picked up the hardcover, Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol. 1. This is my favorite comic lately. This collects the first three trades or issues 1 - 15 of the comic. I know you bought the first trade, but I want you to keep reading. It takes a little while for the story to kick in. The writing is awesome and the art fits it perfect. For anyone reading that is unfamilar with this, it starts out a story about a squeaky clean superhero family; dad (Omni Man, basically Superman), mom and their son Mark (Invincible). There is a great turn in the story line that takes this from a fun happy story to a shocking "what the hell just happened!" Tons of super cool subtle things happen in the background. Written by Robert Kirkman who can do no wrong lately.
Oh. And it's being made into a movie...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Hellboy Animated

ZED: A new Hellboy Animated film is in the works, some of the concept art is done by this cheeks guy, never heard of him but his stuff is awesome, this looks like it could be very cool.
BRAIN: Awesome! With these guys and DC making such great looking animation, why does Marvel hold on to that crappy 90's cartoon look...?
New Spidey Costume

ZED: Bring back the Secret Wars Black costume! Eliminate Venom and Carnage and all other iterations and just make it a symbiotic thinking suit again, that was cool.
BRAIN: I love that costume too. I don't mind Venom though, but I agree about Carnage. Lame. It was nice to see The Sentry tear him apart in outer space...
BRAIN: They have realeased the cover for Amazing Spider-man 529. Here is what he is actually going to look like. Are those robo-spider legs? 2 out of his back and one out of his ass?

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