Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New Spidey Costume

BRAIN: Looks like Spidey will get a new costume. After the story of the "Other" is finished, he gets some new duds from Iron Man. Apparently this will give him some added muscle and a few other surprises. My first impulse was that this really sucks! But you know it isn't going to be permanent. I'm guessing it will only be for a story or two and they can sell some new toys... I'm cool with that. It's cooler than that Ben Riley shit from the Clone Saga!

ZED: Bring back the Secret Wars Black costume! Eliminate Venom and Carnage and all other iterations and just make it a symbiotic thinking suit again, that was cool.

BRAIN: I love that costume too. I don't mind Venom though, but I agree about Carnage. Lame. It was nice to see The Sentry tear him apart in outer space...

BRAIN: They have realeased the cover for Amazing Spider-man 529. Here is what he is actually going to look like. Are those robo-spider legs? 2 out of his back and one out of his ass?

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